Privacy Policy

    The Thampi Book Privacy Policy is designed to inform the website’s visitors regarding the type of data we collect from the users and how we use it. You will also get to learn how we store the data that is processed while you are browsing Our privacy policy is reviewed and modified once in a year. 

    1. Data Collected

    Data Storage

    The Thampi Book platform may process various aspects of your personal data in order to offer you our services and improve your user experience. Moreover, we develop our services to secure and maintain the smooth functionality of Thampi Book. We collect your data based on the following:

    • Your consent
    • Performance of contract  
    • Approved interest

    We will not collect or hold your personal data longer than is required for the purposes we mentioned. 

    Types of data that we collect from users

    • Identification data
    • Personal data (Full name, email address, contact, and others)
    • Special financial data
    • Recordings
    • Activities on our platform
    • Private habits and interests

    Registration Data

    When you register on our website, we store your details, such as your username, your email address, and any other personal information added to your user profile. However, you can view, edit, or remove your personal information whenever you want (except replacing your username). Website managers can also view and make changes to this information.


    We collect the data visible in the comments form whenever you leave comments on our website. Moreover, we collect the IP address and browser user agent string to allow spam detection. 

    Google Analytics

    We use Google Analytics on our website to report unknown website usage. Therefore, no personal data is stored. However, if you wish to drop out of Google Analytics from tracking your behavior on our website, click on ‘Google Analytics Opt-out.’

    Purposes of Using Your Personal Data

    We use your personal data for the following reasons:

    • Identification and Verification of the user during website registration
    • To provide technical assistance
    • To send updates to our users about changes in the website or important information
    • Tracking user’s activities to prevent fraudulent transactions and ensure the privacy of our users’ personal data.
    • Customizing website features to enhance your personal experience
    • To ensure that overall performance and management functions run smoothly.

    2.Embedded Content

    The website pages may include embedded content such as YouTube videos. Embedded content behaves in the same way if you visit another website. Therefore, these websites may collect your data, use cookies, add third-party tracking, and even track your activities if you register or log in to those websites. You can learn about the list of services we use from other websites as follows:


    Facebook page plugin is used to view our Facebook timeline on our website. However, Facebook uses its own cookies and privacy policies, which we can’t control. We ensure that the use of cookies and your IP address is not sent to Facebook without your consent. Click here to check the Facebook privacy policy.


    Our website uses Twitter API to display our Twitter timelines on the website. Twitter also uses cookies and privacy policies that we can’t control. However, we ensure that your IP is not shared with Twitter servers until you approve. Click here to check the privacy policy: Twitter Privacy Policy.


    We use YouTube-embedded videos on our website. YouTube uses its cookies and has privacy policies that we can’t control. However, the use of cookies and your IP is not shared with the YouTube server until you approve. Click here to check the privacy policy: YouTube Privacy Policy.

    3. Cookies

    Our website uses cookies which help the site to provide a better experience to the users. Cookies are helpful in maintaining user preferences, store information, and provide unknown tracking data to third-party websites like Google Analytics. However, you can prefer to disable cookies used on our website and on others. You may disable cookies from your browser or not approve them when a website asks for your consent to use cookies. 

    4. Service Providers

    Our website may hire third-party marketing providers to get assistance in contacting our visitors. Therefore, they may provide email broadcast services or other marketing services where we need to provide them with users’ email addresses and names. 

    However, we ensure that such service providers are refused and prohibited from using your personal details for any advertising or promotional purposes. Any emails that you receive from us have an unsubscribe option, to opt out of future emails from us.

    If you are a client with a registered account, your personal information can be accessed by:

    • Our system administrators.
    • Our supporters when they (in order to provide support) need to get the information about the client accounts and access.

    5.Updates to Thampi Book privacy policy

    Thampi Book may review, update, and change this privacy policy from time to time to review our current practices. We will update and publish our latest Privacy Policy on our Thampi Book website, and the changes will be effective as soon as we publish. Therefore, you must review our Privacy Policy regularly and be familiar with the terms and conditions as well.